Help Radical Compliance Grow!
As you might recall from my first post back in January, my foremost goal with the Radical Compliance blog is to be a service to the GRC community: a place where we can all hang out, borrow good ideas from each other, and further the compliance, risk and audit professions.
To that end, I need your help.
You might have noticed recently that I tweaked the website a bit, to include that Resources Galore button in the Navigation bar above this post. That is home to lists of every GRC resource I can find: books to read, blogs to follow, professional associations to join, databases to use, regulatory agencies to watch, and so forth.
If you have an idea or a resource you want me to add to that page, let me know.
Two people, for example, already asked me to add a list of recruiters who scout compliance and audit professionals; that list will start soon. Others have asked for academic research, local compliance groups you can join in various cities around the world, and so forth.
Keep ’em coming. There’s no charge for anything on this site, and I have no particular commercial interests in anything posted here. (Or when I do, that will be disclosed clearly.)
In a related vein, the Events page on this blog lists upcoming GRC events. If you have one happening later this year, send me the particulars and I’ll add it to the list.
That’s all I have for now. I’m always eager to make the blog more useful to all of us in the GRC community, so any time you have an idea, drop me a line at or otherwise find a way to reach me. I could talk shop about this stuff all day.