Radical Compliance on the Road Again!

Radical Compliance will be on the road again this week, this time traveling to Chicago for the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics annual conference. Expect lots of tweets and photos during the conference itself, and then multiple posts exploring some of the many, many excellent sessions on the agenda.

SCCE is the largest gathering of compliance professionals in the world; last I heard, more than 1,500 people are expected to attend this year. The success of the conference is testament to the hard work of SCCE chief executive Roy Snell, his chief henchman Adam Turtletaub, and all the talented SCCE staff who work on the conference all year long.

Shameless self-promotion: I will lead a workshop Wednesday morning, about how compliance and risk officers can work with their boards to develop thoughtful, effective enterprise risk management programs. That has been a particular interest of mine this year. We’ve seen several high-profile examples of corporate misconduct (Wells Fargo and Mylan Labs, to name only two) that could have been avoided, had boards and senior leaders done a better job studying their risks. We also have COSO’s draft framework for enterprise risk management out for public comment. All in all, there’s lots of news here and I look forward to that workshop Wednesday morning.

Aside from my workshop, the SCCE conference is a superb opportunity to meet other compliance professionals—really, no matter what specific challenge is driving you nuts, someone else at SCCE is going through the exact same problem; you just need to find that person and get talking. I’ll keep my ear to the ground for new insights, new products, and of course, good gossip.

If you’ll be attending SCCE yourself and want to meet, email me at mkelly@radicalcompliance.com or find me in person. If you use the code words “control matrix” when you say hello, first drink is on me.

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