Compliance Jobs Report: June 23

We have another doozy of a Compliance Jobs Report this week. Lots of personnel turnover in the Fraud Section in the Justice Department (farewell, Hui Chen); plus compliance officer news at JBS, Crane Co., Fresenius Medical, Allergan, and elsewhere. And don’t forget, SCCE wants some lucky compliance officer to be its next CEO.

I gather these bits of information from LinkedIn, news alerts, and friends emailing me something to include. If you have a tip to pass along, email me at or find me on LinkedIn. This report depends on people like you helping me, so send some news!

Compliance Jobs News

We begin with the Department of Justice, where turnover in the Fraud Section continues. Laura Perkins, an assistant chief in the FCPA unit, reportedly has left for private practice at the law firm Hughes Hubbard & Reed.

One person stepping into that FCPA assistant chief role will be David Johnson, previously was assistant chief litigation counsel at the Securities & Exchange Commission since 2014. Christopher Cestaro has also been promoted to assistant chief in the unit. He joined as a trial attorney in 2014, after a stint at Debevoise & Plimpton.

Hui Chen, the Justice Department’s in-house compliance counsel, is leaving that job early. Chen had worked at the department since November 2015, and attracted attention lately for her thinly veiled barbs on social media about poor ethics in the Trump Administration. Everyone owes this woman a debt of thanks for her service to the profession.

Over at the SEC, Robert Evans has been named deputy director at the Division of Corporation Finance; he’ll work alongside fellow deputy director Shelley Parratt, who has been in that role for years. Evans comes to the agency from law firm Shearman & Stirling, where he was a partner in the firm’s capital markets—another sign that new SEC chairman Jay Clayton has ambitions to ease IPO rules for would-be filers.

JBS SA, the Brazilian meatpacking giant caught up in a corruption scandal, has named Marcelo Proenca its global head of compliance. Proenca is a partner at law firm White & Case, and a law professor at the University of Sao Paolo. Proenca’s appointment comes after JBS’s chairman flipped for prosecutors, and implicated Brazil president Michel Temer in a bribery scandal.

Compliance JobsDuetsche Bank has named Richard Weber head of its anti-financial crimes unit in the United States. Weber is former head of criminal investigations for the IRS. Presumably he will work with Philippe Vollot, the bank’s global head of anti-financial crimes, who took that job in January.

Changing of the guard at Kansas City Southern: chief accounting officer Mary Stadler is retiring; vice president of audit and risk management Suzanne Grafton will replace her. Grafton, 41, has worked at KSU in various financial compliance roles since 2007.

Speaking of retirement, Dave Danjczek is hanging up the cape at Crane Co., where he has been director of ethics & compliance for 10 years. We wish him well.

Mary Shirley is leaving the Fresenius Medical Care Asia Pacific business to start a new role with the North America division, where she will be senior director of compliance operations. Shirley will be relocating from Hong Kong to Boston, home town of Radical Compliance and many other cool things.

Bryn Mawr Bancorp, based in (you guessed it) Bryn Mawr, Penn., has named Patrick Killeen chief risk officer. He comes to the firm from Bank of the Ozarks, where he was director of enterprise risk management.

Down in Sao Paolo, Alexandre Serpa has begun work at Allergan as associate director of ethics and compliance for Latin America and Canada. He comes to the pharmaceutical company from CVS, where he was compliance director for Brazil.

Martha Psutka-George has been named privacy director at the Pain Doctor, a medical practice in Phoenix.

Susan Schneider just started work at the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section at the U.S. Justice Department. She previously was chief of staff to the chief compliance officer at Citi.

Epameinondas Chandros has been named internal audit manager at Hellenic Corp. He previously was internal audit and compliance director at WIND Hellas.

In London, Desiree Djete has been named compliance internal control supervisor at Sigue Corp. She previously was compliance officer responsible for Northern Europe at Sigue.

Keith Henderson has been named chief compliance and corporate integrity officer at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. He previously worked as the school’s privacy and research integrity officer since 2014, and had been pulling double duty as interim chief compliance officer since February.

Suprio Chaudhuri head of compliance at ABM AMRO Securities. Chaudhuri previously spent three years as chief compliance officer for LCH, a derivatives clearinghouse.

Aaron Pugh has moved around within AIG: he is now head of personal insurance operational risk management. Pugh had been director of enterprise risk management for commercial insurance for the last 15 months.

And Richard Gilbert, last seen at Velcro Group as director of compliance and regulatory affairs, has been named director of operations and strategic planning at Classified Realty Group.

Vendors & Service Providers

Erica Silvana Pedruzzi is the new director for the Center for Anticorruption Studies at the University of San Andreas in Argentina.

Stephen Strombelline has joined Capital Forensics as managing director for its regulatory compliance practice. He previously was chief compliance officer in the U.S. for two European banks, BNP Paribas and Barclays Capital.

Open Req Orders

Duetsche Bank is scouting for a client onboarding vice president for its New York offices.

As noted earlier this week, the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics is scouting for a new CEO, now that Roy Snell has announced his retirement plans.

If you have a tip or want to brag about your new job, promotion, career milestone, or anything else, just email me at or find me on LinkedIn. I’m always happy to give credit to the many hard-working people here in our corner of the business universe.

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