Books to Read

Below are a list of books about corporate governance, compliance, business, leadership, world affairs, and other topics that compliance officers might enjoy if you want to broaden your intellectual horizons. I have read most, although not all. If you have your own recommendations, by all means email me at and we’ll see about getting them added here or reviewed on the blog. (Foreign-language books are also welcome.)


Books by compliance professionals, for compliance professionals

Integrity Corp.: 50 Tips for Your Compliance Program in the Post-Soviet States, by Timur Khasanov-Batirov

How to Be a Wildly Strategic Compliance Officer, by Kristy Grant-Hart

How to Be a Wildly Effective Compliance Officer, By Kristy Grant-Hart

World-Class Risk ManagementBy Norman Marks

Segregation of Duties and Sensitive Access: Leveraging System-Enforced Controls, By Larry Carter

501 Ideas for Your Ethics & Compliance Program: Lessons From 30 Years of Practice, by Joe Murphy

Handbook of Board Governance: A Comprehensive Guide for Public, Private, and Non-Profit Boards, by Richard Leblanc

Books compliance professionals should read anyway

The Only Game in Town, by Mohammed El-Erian
Penguin Random House, 320 pps, $28. (2016)
A timely look at central banks’ effort to keep the world’s financial system going, and the economic, social, and political pressures coming to bear on those efforts. His writing is not elegant, but his points are incisive. A valuable course for anyone wanting to understand how important monetary policy is to systemic financial risk.

A Passion for Leadership, by Robert Gates
Knopf Doubleday, 256 pps, $28. (2016)
Former defense secretary Robert Gates’ look at why large institutions struggle to be effective. Haven’t read this one yet.

Act of Congress, by Robert Kaiser
Random House, 449 pps, $17. (2013)
Superb look at the politics and legislative machinations that went into creating the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, written by long-time Washington Post political reporter with sweeping access to lawmakers, lobbyists, and congressional staffers. Great if you want deeper understanding of where our legislation comes from.

Behind the Beautiful Forevers, by Katherine Boo
Random House, 288 pps, $16. (2014)
A gripping tale of poverty and corruption in modern India, all the more unbelievable because it is a non-fiction account of real people’s lives. Any compliance officer who wants to understand corruption, first needs to understand the poverty facing most people in the world today. This book will leave you stunned.

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