I consult with companies who have compliance problems, want to run their programs better, or need writing projects completed. Occasionally, I do private research projects or work with compliance-related nonprofits. Details about my professional background can be found on my LinkedIn profile.
You can reach Matt in all sorts of ways:
Twitter: @compliancememe
Signal: +1-617-642-1107
Skype: MattKellyCompliance
Facebook: We have the Radical Compliance page and all are welcomed to follow!
About Us
Technically, Radical Compliance is the personal blog of Matt Kelly, long-time writer and observer of the corporate compliance and GRC scene. I was a writer, editor, and publisher at Compliance Week, 2003 through 2015; some of you may know me from my career there. I also speak frequently at compliance conferences and other events, and will pretty much shoot the breeze on any compliance topic with anyone who asks.