Podcast: The Board-CCO Relationship
Chief compliance officers are always looking for ways to maintain a productive relationship with the board, which isn’t easy considering all the issues both sides are trying to manage in a compressed amount of time. So today we have a podcast and column devoted to the subject. The podcast is a conversation I had with…
Read MoreBuilding Compliance at Georgia Tech
Today we have another Radical Compliance podcast interview, this time talking with Ling-Ling Nie about how she is trying to build the first formal ethics and compliance function at Georgia Tech. Nie joined Georgia Tech last March after a distinguished career in the corporate sector. Her objective since then has been to build a formal,…
Read MorePodcast: Lease Accounting Compliance Update
Confession: I love the new accounting standard for companies to report their costs for leases. Not so much because I applaud what the standard tries to accomplish (although I support that too) but rather, because implementation of the standard demonstrates so many compliance and internal control headaches today. Hear me out. The new standard —…
Read MorePodcast: CCOs Serving on Boards
Regular readers of Radical Compliance know that I believe ethics and compliance officers serving on corporate boards is a superb idea. More and more of the governance challenges boards face, as they try to position their organizations for success, somehow touch upon ethics and compliance issues. Well, who understands those issues better than professional ethics…
Read MorePodcast: The Chief Risk Officer Role
We have another Radical Compliance podcast to start the week, this time catching up with those folks at Deloitte who recently published a report urging companies to do a more disciplined job with enterprise risk management. The report, published two weeks ago, surveyed 500 senior executives at large U.S. firms across a range of industries.…
Read MorePodcast: CCOs Facing Retaliation
Today we return to a subject of high importance to compliance officers: how to handle retaliation against yourselves — which, for better or worse, is a reality in this line of work. Several weeks ago I wrote a post recounting the tales of the compliance professionals now suing their former employers, alleging retaliation after those…
Read MoreTalking Compliance Analytics at AB-InBev
We have another Radical Compliance podcast today, this time looking at data analytics and integration challenges at the largest beer brewer in the world: Anheuser-Busch InBev. For anyone considering more analytics in your compliance program (which should be all of you) this chat with Matt Galvin, vice president of ethics and compliance at AB-InBev, is…
Read MorePodcast: Compliance Trends in Finance Sector
Several weeks ago I had a post about compliance trends in the financial sector, based on a report from Thomson Reuters. That report found most financial firms aren’t cutting compliance budgets, and it offered practical insights into how compliance officers might tiptoe into more automation and use of technology. Both issues are important for compliance…
Read MorePodcast: Communicating Compliance
Communicating the importance of ethics and compliance to a diverse workforce is a critical part of a corporate compliance officer’s job. Alas, it’s also a challenging (and sometimes thankless) part of the job, too. So today we’re going to hear from one compliance professional about how she brought the message of compliance to her company’s…
Read MoreCCOs Seeking Public Office in 2018
Now that the 2018 political season is picking up, we should talk about a small but splendid phenomenon I’ve noticed this spring: ethics and compliance officers running for public office. In New York we have Luke Brussel, a former head of compliance at GE Capital, First Data Corp., and Cengage Learning; he’s is running for…
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