Posts Tagged ‘mylan’
Mylan’s Lessons on Silos & Risk
Compliance officers often worry about the threat of siloed risk management, where one part of the enterprise is addressing a risk without keeping other parts fully informed. The Securities and Exchange Commission recently served up a good example of how that threat comes to pass, in the case of Mylan and its improper charges for…
Read MoreStudy: Most CCOs Don’t Review Incentive Risks
A new report from the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics finds that most chief compliance officers don’t review incentive-based compensation for possible misconduct risk—an alarming conclusion, since incentive pay is often what causes misconduct in the first place. According to the report, which surveyed more than 400 compliance professionals, only 23 percent have opportunity…
Read MoreRisky Talk: Compliance Officers and CEO Pay
Should the chief compliance officer have a role in setting executive pay? That was a big question asked at the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics annual conference this week. You couldn’t escape the subject. More than 1,700 compliance professionals had gathered to talk about good corporate conduct, and we had examples of bad corporate conduct…
Read MoreEpiPen Fiasco Shows Corporate America Like It Is
Start with this fact fixed in your mind before we begin talking about Mylan Labs and its EpiPen: a company’s stock price is determined by its future earnings growth. You can look up how corporate finance theorists reached that conclusion if you want. For our purposes here—which are to examine how Mylan landed in such…
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