Posts Tagged ‘xbrl’
SEC Nudges Companies on XBRL Quality
The Securities and Exchange Commission published a reminder last week for companies to pay attention to the details of the XBRL “tags” they use in securities filings, rather than risk receiving a comment letter from SEC staff asking the company to explain why its filings aren’t meeting expectations. The SEC published a sample comment letter…
Read MoreSEC Lists Rules for Review
The Securities and Exchange Commission quietly proposed Wednesday afternoon to review whether dozens of corporate governance and proxy rules should apply to small filers: everything from executive compensation disclosure, to posting proxy materials online, to shareholders’ ability to nominate board directors, and more. The timing of the notice — posted just a few hours before…
Read MoreRegulatory Reform Bill — Ignores SOX!
The House of Representatives passed a significant regulatory reform legislation Tuesday — and while the bill’s fate in the Senate is unclear, compliance professionals should examine what’s not in the bill. That tells us a lot about how regulatory reform will probably unfold in 2018 and 2019 anyway. The legislation, formally known as the Jobs…
Read MoreAbout That Inline XBRL Rule…
Last week the SEC adopted a rule for companies to use Inline XBRL technology with their corporate reports starting as early as next year. The good news for financial reporting executives: this rule will streamlines the technical work necessary in filing financial statements to the SEC. The more intriguing news for everyone else: The SEC’s…
Read MoreWhither the Future of XBRL?
Don’t look now, but disagreement may be brewing among Republicans in Washington over the future of XBRL, the data-tagging technology that companies use when submitting financial statements to the SEC. On one side are Republicans in the House Financial Services Committee, who want to exempt a vast number of smaller public companies from filing financial…
Read MoreXBRL Rule Catches Up With Foreign Filers
We missed an important detail in last week’s news that the SEC plans to modernize corporate filings with Inline XBRL technology: for the first time, foreign private issuers trading on U.S. markets will need to start using XBRL as well. XBRL is a technology that allows computers to read and interpret the financial data companies…
Read MoreInline XBRL Is Coming, Thank You Jesus
The SEC on Wednesday proposed requiring that public companies and mutual funds start submitting their financial filings using Inline XBRL—an advance that should make the preparation of financial reports much easier. XBRL is a technology that lets computers digest financial data quickly. It’s a godsend to financial analysts who want to answer specific research questions…
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